Anti Aging Advice - Small Changes In Your Daily Life To Stay Young

Posted by admin Sunday, September 19, 2010 0 comments
Old age may be creeping up on all of us, but there are many anti aging systems that we can incorporate into our lives to help us stay young. Many of these are not expensive and are simply a matter of making healthy changes in our lifestyle.

Top of the list is quitting smoking. If you still smoke, set a date to quit and start to figure out what you will use for support. Many people find that nicotine patches are helpful.

Focus on the positive aspects of being a non-smoker, not only the health risks. You will find that you feel liberated because you are no longer constantly having to think about when and where you can have your next cigarette. Plus, it will make your skin and your whole body much healthier and younger looking.

The food that we eat is vital too. Look closely at your diet, because replacing junk food with healthy fruits and vegetables is one of the best anti aging systems that we can use to stay young. Leafy green vegetables, raw vegetables and fresh raw fruits are full of antioxidants, vitamins and essential minerals that help the body to fight off the signs of aging.

Be sure to drink enough water. The general guidance is 8 x 8 oz glasses per day, or 2 liters if you use the metric system. If you are a heavier person (over 200 pounds) you can increase this a little. Spread your water through the day and it will help to keep your skin hydrated, preventing dryness and minimizing wrinkles.

Your personal anti aging systems should also include some physical activity every day. You may be surprised to hear that this has an effect on the skin, but it does. The reason is that physical exercise increases both the blood circulation and the amount of oxygen in the blood. This means that more oxygen and other health promoting substances reach the skin, helping it to renew and repair.

If you are not used to exercise, start with a little and work up. You may want to consult your doctor to check what you can safely do. You could start by increasing the distance that you walk in a day, or doing a little more physical activity around the house and yard.

Exercise does not have to mean going to the gym or running a marathon. It does not have to be boring, either. Playing with kids, using a Wii, swimming or just splashing around in the pool are all examples of physical activity that can be a lot of fun.

Whatever you do, do not let the aging process get you down. Remember that growing older is better than the alternative - dying young! There is still a lot to do, see and enjoy in life. Of course it would be great in some ways if we could all be 22 years old again but growing older has some compensations too.

Wisdom and tranquility are traditionally associated with old age. This is partly because of the accumulated effect of life experience but it is also something that happens because older people are not ruled by their raging hormones in the way that younger people are.

Being happy to be alive, whatever our age, is one of the things that makes us seem eternally young. So it is worth keeping the advantages of aging in mind even while you bring more anti aging systems into your life.


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