Anti Aging Diet - What Do I Eat To Stay Young?

Posted by admin Tuesday, September 21, 2010 0 comments
If you want to stay as young as possible, you need to consider anti aging diet care. Here are some tips on what to add and take away from your diet to help you stay young.

1. Add healthful foods to your diet.

Any food rich in antioxidants can have a huge effect on keeping your skin and body looking and feeling young. Dark colored fruits and vegetables are often high in antioxidants. One example is blueberries. Others that have been described as miracle fruits include dried goji berries and acai berries (pronounced ah-sigh). These are packed with antioxidants

To keep your skin supple, make sure that you get enough vitamin E in your diet. Vitamin E is found in many foods including sunflower seeds, almonds, avocado and olives. You can also buy liquid vitamin E as a supplement.

Broccoli, cabbage and cauliflower are part of the family of cruciferous vegetables that have been shown in studies to protect against cancer. They also contain calcium and a wide range of other vitamins and minerals. Make them a regular part of your diet.

Coconut oil is another 'wonder food' that is reported to help with weight loss as well as increasing the body's ability to absorb vitamin E. You can cook with coconut oil and it is solid at temperatures below 75 degrees F so you can use it in place of butter in most recipes, as well as frying with it. Virgin olive oil is another good choice for frying.

Be sure to buy virgin coconut oil, not refined. Refined coconut oil has been hydrogenated and will contain some trans fats.

2. Cut out the junk.

Unfortunately, it is not enough just to add a few miracle berries to our diets. Anti aging diet care requires us also to cut out or at least reduce the amount of refined carbohydrates that we eat. This means all added sugars including fructose, dextrose, corn syrup etc. It also means white flour, white rice and anything made from them, including pizzas and pasta unless they specifically say that they are made with 100% whole grain flour.

The main reason for this is that refined carbohydrates mess with your blood sugar response. Eating too much of this type of food is believed to be a major contributor to insulin resistance and diabetes, vascular problems, heart disease and cancer as well as, of course, weight gain.

If you cannot face losing all of your favorite breads and sweet treats, then at least make it a rule to eat these foods only as part of a meal where you are also consuming plenty of fiber from vegetables. This will reduce the blood sugar spikes and make it easier for your body to handle the refined foods. So if you must have that cake, don't have it as a snack, eat it for dessert; and if you cannot live without pizza, serve it with plenty of broccoli.

Also, avoid hydrogenated fats and anything containing trans fats. This will include many margarines and most commercially available flour/fat combo foods such as donuts and pastries. Consumption of trans fats has been found to increase the risk of heart disease

Finally, don't forget to drink plenty of plain water. Eight 8 oz glasses per day is the minimum that you should be having. That is around 2 liters in metric. Water helps flush out toxins from the body. It benefits all of our organs, including the biggest organ, the skin. So make water a major focus of your anti aging diet care plans.


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