What Is The Best Anti-Aging Eye Cream?

Posted by admin Sunday, October 24, 2010 1 comments
It is important to find the best anti aging eye cream for the sensitive area around your eyes, if you want to prevent or smooth away the fine lines that tend to appear there. But some of the creams are so expensive, it is sometimes hard to imagine what you are paying for. What do anti aging eye creams do, and is the most expensive one always the best?

The first thing to keep in mind is that most anti wrinkle skin products are fundamentally similar. They will have a moisturizing base with certain added ingredients to help the skin recover from the effects of environmental pollution and the wear and tear of our daily lives.

What you have to pay depends primarily on the added ingredients. All natural skin products are sure to be more expensive because the ingredients have to be naturally sourced. Organic is more expensive still. However, you can be sure that these products will not simply be adding to the chemical pollution that our bodies are subject to.

You are also paying for research. The manufacturers of the best anti aging eye cream and other skin products have expensive laboratories where scientists are working year round to develop secret recipes for more effective anti wrinkle creams. This costs money and has to be funded from the sales of the products.

So when you are looking for the best anti aging eye cream, it is not always possible to judge by the price. However, the more expensive products often benefit from the amount of research that has gone into producing them.

There is probably not one single product that is the best anti aging eye cream for everybody. The most important consideration for the individual consumer is whether the product suits their skin type. An anti wrinkle cream that has been formulated for a person with oily skin will not be so effective for somebody with very dry skin.

Even more important, if you have sensitive skin you should always be sure to choose a product that will not irritate. Redness around the eyes is not attractive. Irritation also leads to rubbing the eyes which will make the skin even more dry.

Consider too whether you need sunscreen to be included. This is less common in eye creams than in other skin products, but it can be helpful if you are often in the sun.

The best anti aging eye cream products will do more than moisturize and hydrate the skin around your eyes. They may contain substances that will cause the flesh under the skin to swell very slightly, filling out the skin so that wrinkles are smoothed away. This is a little like the effect of Botox in plumping out wrinkles.

They are also likely to soften the skin and they may combat areas of discoloration such as dark circles under the eyes. All of these points are important when it comes to keeping your youthful looks.

However, you do not necessarily have to spend a lot of money to find something that is effective. Consider your own skin and take advice on what will be most effective for you, when you are choosing the best anti aging eye cream.

What Are The Best Anti-Aging Herbs?

Posted by admin Friday, October 22, 2010 1 comments
When you are considering anti aging herbs, it is important to remember that aging is not all or even mostly about the skin. Some extra lines and sagging of the face may be what you notice when you look in the mirror each morning, but the cause of aging lies much deeper in the organism.

Sure, you can slow down the appearance of aging by making sure that your skin is well moisturized. If you want to do this naturally rather than using commercially produced anti aging creams, you can massage coconut oil or avocado oil into your skin before going to bed at night.

However, it is also important to think about treating your body from the inside. There are many conditions such as arthritis that tend to restrict our movement as we grow older, and this makes us seem older to other people even if we do not notice it so much ourselves. Then there are serious and life threatening conditions such as heart disease and type two diabetes that tend to affect older people.

The best anti aging herbs have different effects and you might want to combine them for the best overall effect. If you have particular problems, diseases or conditions then of course you should see a medical professional.

You might also want to consider consulting a herbalist. Anti aging herbs, like other herbal remedies, are best taken under the advice of somebody who has considered your individual case history and can take a holistic view of you personally. But with that said, let's take a look at some of the anti aging herbs that might be used.

Ginkgo biloba is found in many supplement mixes for older people. Ginkgo is suggested to address the problem of reduced blood flow to the brain as we age. It is believed to keep us staying mentally alert and perhaps also avoid strokes, which are caused by blood clots in the brain.

The liver helps our body to remove toxins that would otherwise accumulate in our cells, leading to age-related and other problems. So keeping the liver active and healthy is vital if we want to stay young. Herbs that are frequently recommended for the liver include dandelion and milk thistle.

You will also want to keep your digestive system healthy. Chamomile may be of use here. Peppermint is recommended for some people but not if you have a history of ulcers in the stomach or digestive tract.

Women wanting to avoid some of the more extreme symptoms of menopause might want to take black cohosh. Men, on the other hand, may benefit from saw palmetto which is believed to ease prostate and urinary issues, very common in older men.

Heart disease and other general circulatory issues may be helped by taking hawthorn and garlic, which are the best herbal stimulants for the circulatory system. However, if you have or think you might have heart disease you should definitely see a doctor.

Something that is not strictly a herbal remedy but a natural supplement that you might want to consider is grape seed extract. This is packed with anti oxidants and polyphenols like resveratrol, found in grapes, which has been the subject of numerous anti aging research studies.

Do not forget to reconsider your dietary and lifestyle habits if you want to feel and look younger. Things we could get away with when young, like staying out late, smoking, drinking alcohol and eating junk food, will have much more of an obvious effect on our bodies as we get a little older.

So cut out the bad habits and increase your consumption of healthy foods like fresh fruit, vegetables and whole grains. At the same time, be sure you are getting enough water each day. These things will help your body to flush out aging cells and will work together with anti aging herbs to help you stay feeling and looking younger.

What Are The Best Anti Aging Supplements?

Posted by admin Wednesday, October 20, 2010 2 comments
Some of the best anti aging supplements, or at least the most well known, are actually hormone supplements. Hormones are chemicals produced in our organs that act as messengers, sending signals to other parts of the body. Examples are adrenalin, produced in times of stress, putting our system on red alert; and the sex hormones estrogen and testosterone which, with others, are responsible for the changes around puberty and many other functions related to sex and reproduction.

Hormonal Supplements For Women

Hormone production tends to diminish as we grow older and therefore hormones are often used as anti aging supplements. For example, women are often recommended to take estrogen and other hormones around the time of the menopause to reduce menopausal symptoms and keep them feeling and looking younger. Estrogen levels drop suddenly around the time of the menopause and the body often has trouble adjusting to this, resulting in symptoms such as hot flashes and mood swings.

Many doctors now do prescribe a cocktail of hormones known as HRT (Hormone Replacement Therapy) or MHT (Menopausal Hormone Treatment) for women at the time of the menopause. However, some studies have shown increased risk of certain diseases including breast cancer when these types of hormone therapy are taken for a long time. Most experts therefore recommend taking HRT for as short a time as possible. Therefore, hormone therapy for women can ease the symptoms of menopause but it is not recommended as a permanent solution for staying young.

Hormonal Supplements For Men

In men, testosterone production also tends to be reduced with age. However, there is nothing like the sudden drop of a woman's menopause. The reduction is gradual and usually does not cause symptoms. Some men who are affected by loss of libido (sex drive) might find supplementation helpful, but it does not help with erectile dysfunction (impotence). Testosterone supplementation is suspected of contributing to prostate cancer in some cases. Therefore, most doctors would not prescribe it if a man's levels were normal for his age.

DHEA - The Supplement For Everyone?

Recently there has been a lot of publicity about DHEA, or dehyrdoepiandrosterone. This is a substance that the human body can use as a building block to produce many different hormones. Its supporters argue that it is safer than other hormonal supplements because instead of increasing levels of the sex and other hormones artificially, it simply provides the basis for the body to make whatever it needs.

Research into the effects of DHEA is not yet conclusive because there has not been time to study large groups over a significant length of time. However, the small studies that have been carried out have suggested that DHEA can help with certain hormone related issues such as obesity, depression, lupus and adrenal deficiency. This is especially true if DHEA levels were low in the person before supplementation began.

However, it has not been shown to increase muscle strength or endurance, cure impotence, improve the memory or delay skin aging. Therefore, whether you consider DHEA to be one of the best anti aging supplements on the market depends on what you are hoping for it to do.

What Are The Best Anti Aging Dietary Supplements and Foods?

Posted by admin Monday, October 18, 2010 0 comments
There are many anti aging dietary supplements that you can take when you are trying to hold back the years and stay young looking and active. In this article, we will look at some of these nutritional supplements and what they may be able to do for you. Please keep in mind that in many cases the research results are not extensive and you should always consult your doctor before supplementing with anything, especially if you are taking medications.

As a first step, it is important to check that your diet is healthy and is giving you most if not all of the recommended daily amounts of vitamins and minerals for a person your age. If you have a varied diet including plenty of servings of fruit and vegetables of several different types and colors, you have a good chance that this is the case. There are online websites where you can track your daily food intake to see what you are getting.

Clearly, if you know that your diet is deficient in some way, then you need to supplement for that. For example if you have an intolerance to dairy products then it is likely that you are low on calcium. Calcium is very important as we grow older to help prevent osteoporosis, especially in women. If you find that you need to supplement calcium in your diet, look for a supplement that includes magnesium and vitamin D which are necessary in certain proportions for the uptake of calcium.

Some of the 'miracle' anti aging dietary supplements that have been developed in recent decades are antioxidants. These substances help keep our whole body healthy, strengthen the immune system and are believed to neutralize the free radicals that we take in from unhealthy foods and pollution, which may contribute to cancer.

Free radical damage is also one of the biggest causes of the signs of aging. In fact, some people argue that aging is not a natural process but is a disease cause by the constant attack of free radicals on our bodies. The solution is to minimize our exposure to free radicals and maximize our consumption of the antioxidants that fight them.

So if you want to stay young, you need to include plenty of antioxidants in your diet. Many of these are found in fresh fruit and vegetables, or you can supplement. The best known example is vitamin C. Others include vitamin E, beta carotene, co-enzyme Q10, lycopene, lutein and casein.

Certain foods contain very high quantities of antioxidants. Examples are goji berries, blueberries and pomegranate. However, there is no ideal food for anti aging, we must have a variety. Supplements such as grape seed, resveratrol or pomegranate extract can help build our defences against aging without the trouble of constantly having to buy a lot of fruit and keep it fresh.

In addition, certain minerals are needed to help our bodies make the best use of antioxidants. These include selenium and magnesium.

The best place to find a wide choice of anti aging dietary supplements is online, or you can track them down in your local health food store.

The Best Anti Aging Skin Products And Formulas

Posted by admin Saturday, October 16, 2010 0 comments
The increased interest in recent years in combating the elements that accelerate aging of the skin has resulted in the introduction of a large number of products that claim to ensure the longevity of the human skin. Many an anti aging skin product can, in fact, support good skin health through the use of a variety of ingredients, both organic and synthetic. It’s a real challenge to develop a product that can truly fight the effects of aging on the skin, because such a product must be able to penetrate all dermal layers. The best kind of anti aging skin product will have the right ingredients, and will also combine those ingredients with other elements that can deliver them to the areas that will benefit the most.

Effective Anti Aging Skin Formulas

While an anti aging skin product may claim to prevent the effects of skin aging, such as wrinkles and skin discoloration, its true effectiveness will depend on the ingredients used and how they are combined. In general, the best ingredients for fighting aging of the skin are those that promote healthy skin cell production while protecting and treating the outer dermal layers. The recent discoveries as to the overall benefits of antioxidants on cell growth has led to their inclusion in many an anti aging skin product. Vitamins A and E, as well as green tea extracts and other organic elements, contain the right antioxidants that are specifically beneficial to healthy skin. Hyaluronic acid, a naturally-occurring polysaccharide, has been found to be very supportive of collagen integrity, which will keep the elasticity and durability of healthy skin intact. Ingredients that help to exfoliate the skin (remove dead skin cells) such as hydroxy acids replenish new skin cells and help to prevent skin discoloration to an extent.

Skin, Moisture, and Aging

One of the most commonly discussed aspects of skin care products is hydration. This refers to the moisture content within the dermal layers, and is the basis for many an anti aging skin product. While this is crucial to maintaining healthy skin overall, including a moisturizer in an anti aging skin product does not guarantee that it will produce the desired results. The best approach in this regard is to use ingredients that will support positive cell health in general, since regular growth of healthy skin cells will promote the desired hydration levels. Emulsifiers are also a good addition to an anti aging skin product, because they can deliver the antioxidants and other elements deep into the lower dermal layers. A truly effective way to ensure proper skin hydration is to use a good skin care product along with moisturizing creams.

Wrinkle Removers

One of the most popular types of skin care products are those that advertise their ability to remove wrinkles. While this is one of the noticeable benefits of having healthy skin, it is at times misunderstood. Generally speaking, wrinkles are a part of the natural aging process. As skin ages, its ability to reproduce the skin cells and collagen that are essential for young-looking skin decreases. So, any quality anti aging skin product will have an effect on wrinkles, especially those that contain emulsifiers that can penetrate to the lower layers of skin. This is essentially the only true way to ensure the integrity of skin cells and collagen tissue, which will help the skin maintain its elasticity and tone.

Other Aspects of An Anti Aging Product

One of the most debilitating influences on skin as the body ages is the sun. Ultra violet rays in particular have an extremely negative effect on skin cells, and they can penetrate to the deeper dermal layers. The better anti aging product will have protective elements that will help decrease the degradation of the skin. Examples of good protective ingredients may include coenzymeQ10, zinc oxide, and shea butter.

The Best Anti Aging Herbs

Posted by admin Thursday, October 14, 2010 0 comments
Aging is a universal reality, regardless of national origin, religion, or status. There is nothing that can stop the eventuality of this process, but there are certain elements that can slow down the body’s aging, and some of the best such elements are provided by nature. Anti aging herbs are one category of organic factors that can help to manage the effects of aging by helping boost the body’s immune systems, cell reproduction, and organ functions. By aiding in these important physiological activities, anti aging herbs can in fact retard the natural aging process overall.

Anti Aging Herbs for the Blood

Blood circulation, and its entire associated organ functioning, is one of the most important parts of a body’s ability to operate the way it should. Blood cell reproduction, arterial and capillary integrity, and nutrient processing all rely on a steady flow of healthy blood. Unhealthy blood can lead to a whole host of health problems. Ginko biloba is beneficial for healthy blood functions. Elements of this herb can protect blood cells, promote circulation, and prevent blood platelets from sticking together, which can lead to clogged arteries. Even everyday herbs can be beneficial to good blood health, including garlic, cayenne pepper, and ginger root.

Anti Aging Herbs for Organs

The liver, along with the heart, are very important organs for maintaining health and combating the effects of aging. Anti aging herbs that are beneficial for good liver function include: milk thistle, which boosts the liver’s own cell reproduction process; dandelion, which aids in bile secretion for optimal nutrient processing; and artichoke leaf, which also aids in bile secretion as well as helping to protect the liver from toxins. There are anti aging herbs that are helpful to functions of the heart, such as garlic and hawthorn. Garlic is an overall aid in blood functions, and has been reported to be highly beneficial in reducing cholesterol problems. Hawthorn extract solutions have been used for years to help in treating some heart problems, such as angina and mild forms of arrhythmia.

Anti Aging Herbs for Skin

The skin cells and tissues are vulnerable to the effects of aging, and in some ways they are perhaps most vulnerable. The dermal layers, and especially the upper layers, withstand the most direct contact with the elements that results in aging of the skin. Maintaining cell integrity and reproduction is one of the best ways to fight off these effects, and antioxidants can be very beneficial in this effort. Many vitamins are rich in antioxidants, and these can be obtained either by taking supplements or through dietary intake. Vitamins A and E are most beneficial for skin hydration and maintaining a healthy balance of collagen and elastin cell tissue, which is so important for helping to keep skin as youthful as possible. Phytessence wakame, a sea kelp from Japan, is very useful to the production of hyaluronal, a natural element in the body that fights the
breakdown of collagen in the skin. Basil and thyme are also beneficial overall for healthy skin.

Other Anti Aging Herbs

Phytochemicals have been found to be very beneficial in many ways for the support of the body’s functions, such as metabolism and the immune system. In the long run, these benefits will help the body to function as it should longer, thus fighting the effects of aging. They occur naturally in many fruits and plants, and are also found in herbs. Rhodiolo Rosa is one such herb. It has phytochemical elements that can boost thyroid hormone metabolism and can support healthy immune functions. Oregano, thyme, dill, and rosemary also have phyto elements that can be beneficial to anti aging.

The Best Anti Aging Creams

Posted by admin Wednesday, October 13, 2010 0 comments
The concept of applying balms and other compounds topically as a method of treating skin conditions is not new by any means. People have been using mixtures of botanical and mineral elements for a variety of health reasons for thousands of years, and these efforts have often included a search of ways to fight the effects of aging. The elusive “fountain of youth” formula has been the focus of many such attempts, which continues to this day. Modern discoveries of beneficial ingredients for slowing or even stopping the negative effects of aging on the skin have led to an increase in the availability of many products that claim to fight the effects of skin aging.

How Anti Aging Creams Work

The general approach that manufacturers of the best anti aging creams take is to address the underlying factors that contribute to degradation of dermal integrity overall. These include, but are not limited to: skin cell health and regeneration, collagen and elastin protein synthesis and maintenance, and skin hydration. Any skin cream that can be considered effective will combine elements that can support healthy skin growth on the surface, while at the same time providing sufficient levels of emulsification that will allow the ingredients to be absorbed into the deeper layers of the skin where collagen and elastin cell structures exist.

Effective Anti Aging Ingredients

An effective topical cream will address most if not all of these factors. There are many natural and man-made ingredients that are used in topical creams, but not all combinations of ingredients are effective. This is dependent on several factors, including skin type, positive formulation methods, and the ability of the chosen ingredients to combat the effects of aging. In general, the ingredients that produce the best results are: antioxidants, which support optimum skin cell integrity and regeneration; polysaccharides, such as hyaluronal, which help to ensure proper collagen and elastin development; and exfoliants, which aid in the removal of dying skin cells.

Best Anti Aging Creams

The best anti aging creams available will not only have a number of beneficial elements for skin health in their formula, but will also include ingredients that will deliver these elements in a manner that will provide the most effective system of maintaining continued skin health overall. For instance, those elements that are beneficial to collagen and elastin integrity will be most effective when mixed with emulsifiers that penetrate to the lower skin layers. Antioxidants are beneficial overall to cellular health, but they must be the kinds that are specific to skin cell growth. Retinol, an OTC version of a vitamin A compound known as Retina-A, targets collagen and elastin cell development, as does vitamin E. The best anti aging creams will also include ingredients that promote the skin’s ability to hydrate and heal itself, such as kinetin and copper peptides.

Other Elements Found in the Best Anti Aging Creams

There are many other ingredients that may be included in the more effective anti aging formulas. CoenzymeQ10, a naturally-occurring nutrient that regulates cell production, has been found to be highly beneficial in wrinkle reduction and in protecting the skin from sun damage. Green tea extracts are more commonly used today, and are often found in the best anti aging creams. These extracts contain high amounts of antioxidants and anti-inflammatory agents that will maintain healthy skin cell growth while minimizing degradation of the skin overall

The Benefits Of Vitamin C Anti Aging Products

Posted by admin Monday, October 11, 2010 1 comments
When buying your anti aging products, how many times do you look at the ingredients? If you read the ingredients for every product you buy, you would see that vitamin C anti aging products can be found everywhere. Vitamin C is also known as L ascorbic acid, and is essential when it comes to nutrients for the human body. Even though it is made inside the body, there are many external forms of the vitamin c anti aging ingredient. Not only is this vitamin required to stave off scurvy, but it also helps the skin to have elasticity due to it being a donor in creation of collagen hydroxylation. Collagen is essential in the body for having supple and soft yet resilient skin, which is what all anti aging products aim to give you.

Vitamin C is also known to help fight free radicals in the body. This is important due to the fact that many people’s systems undergo what can be called oxidative stress due to too many free radicals in the body and not enough vitamin C. Vitamin C helps the plasma in the body be able to reduce free radicals and remove them from the body. With this being a main ingredient in Vitamin C anti aging products, it makes sense that these products would help to reduce wrinkles and signs of aging.

The appearance of aging can be due to many things including free radicals, chemical imbalances, dehydration, lack of vitamins, improper diet and nutrition as well as physical stress. Vitamin C anti aging ingredients in products on the market simply do not have enough of the vitamin C anti aging ingredients to be of that much help. In order for the body to properly be able to fight off free radicals and use the vitamin C anti aging ingredients properly, a person must already have their normal intake of vitamin C at recommended doses.

The recommended dose of vitamin C for an adult is 100 mg a day. In order for the body to recognize the additional vitamin C anti aging product, you must already have had your recommended intake. For those persons that have tried these products to no avail, simply step up your intake of vitamin C. Check how much you generally take on a daily basis by reading the nutritional panels on the foods and drinks you have. If you drink one 8 ounce glass of orange juice a day, you have all of the vitamin C you require so the anti aging products will work better for you. If you do not have the recommended dose of the vitamin on a daily basis, when you apply these vitamin C anti aging products to your skin, the body simply absorbs the vitamin C and does not allow the other ingredients to work.

Having a good overall health will help for these ingredients to be more readily absorbed and used by the body in the way they are recommended for use. If your body seriously lacks any vitamins that the average healthy person would have, your body more or less eats the ingredients and they are of no use to the skin it is applied to. Unless you enjoy eating your beauty regimen, keep up with your general health for the products to work as intended.

The Anti Aging Guide For Healthier Looking Skin

Posted by admin Saturday, October 9, 2010 0 comments
When it comes to the top complaints women have about their bodies, wrinkles and deep set lines are always at the top of the list. Many women will go to any lengths to avoid having wrinkles, or for anyone to see them. This anti aging manual will help you to have healthier skin, and avoid having those deep set wrinkles and lines.


It is important to keep the skin hydrated in order to avoid having deep set lines or wrinkles. The suggestion of many physicians is to drink a minimum of 8 glasses of water a day. The anti aging manual suggests that if you smoke, you increase the glasses of water a day by 3 for every pack of cigarettes you smoke. If you smoke 2 packs a day, drink an additional 6 glasses of water a day. Smoking dehydrates the skin as well as the organs, and can cause wrinkles prematurely. Increasing your hydration will not only help get rid of wrinkles you already have, but will stop new ones from emerging.


Exercising the muscles of the face will help to rid deep set wrinkles in some areas as well as sagging of other areas. If the skin beneath the chin is sagging, there are exercises in this anti aging manual to reduce the size. Simply press the tongue to the roof of the mouth forcefully, and hold for 10 seconds then release. Do this 10 times for each set, and try to do 10 sets a day. This will at first cause cramping if you are holding for too long. Following the instructions in this anti aging manual will help you to lose the loose skin beneath the chin in a month, if you simply complete the exercise as directed. The additional skin beneath the chin causes frown lines on the sides of the mouth as well as long lines that run from the sides of the nose to the mouth, called nasolabial folds. These nasolabial folds can also be reduced by smiling wide, and holding the smile as wide as possible for 10 seconds at a time. Repeat this 10 times a day, to reduce deep set nasolabial lines. This can be done while you are watching television, talking on the phone or even playing games on your computer. There are always periods of down time where these exercises can be completed.

Facial Expressions

The anti aging manual for women of all ages, suggests that you avoid frowning too often. Many people when relaxing allow their facial muscles to sag and frown. This causes the 3 muscles of the forehead to sag, the muscles between the eyebrows included. This causes wrinkles to set up along the forehead as well as between the eyes. The vertical lines between the eyebrows can be reversed by not frowning. When you notice that your muscles have went lax, simply smile and hold for 10 seconds. This causes the muscles to then be tightened, along with the skin.


A well rounded diet including fresh fruits and vegetables will help to give the skin the collagen and elastin that it requires to keep elasticity. Green leafy vegetables and colorful vegetables like red bell peppers or carrots will also give nutrients required by the anti aging manual for more youthful skin. Eating a colorful diet will not only cause a healthier inside, but a more beautiful outside.

How To Choose An Anti Aging Face Cream

Posted by admin Thursday, October 7, 2010 0 comments
The problem of aging skin is an unavoidable fact of life for everyone. Although women tend to be more concerned with the effects of aging skin, men may also be interested in maintaining the integrity of their skin tone as well. The most noticeable area of the body that will exhibit aging skin is the face. Consequently, there is a great interest in the possible benefits in using anti aging face cream. There are several factors to consider when choosing a face cream, including the type of skin a person has and specific areas of the face that may be of the most concern.

Skin Types

There are basically four types of skin conditions that will dictate the kind of anti aging skin cream that will be most beneficial to use. Some people may have what would be considered normal skin, in which the moisture and oil levels within the dermal layers are balanced and present fewer problems. Others may have dry skin, which is less likely to present blemish problems but will often result in flaking and even irritation. Still others may have oily skin, which will generally produce more blemish problems. Finally, some people may have a combination of dry and oily skin, which can be the most problematic of all.

Ingredients Found In Anti Aging Face Cream

Although these individual types of skin conditions will require different kinds of ingredients that will best address the specific problems of each skin type, there are some basic ingredients that are generally found in any effective anti aging face cream. Antioxidants are very beneficial in fighting the effects of skin aging, because they support healthy cell regeneration overall. Antioxidants can help to maintain the integrity of present skin cells, and will ensure the proper growth of new skin cells, especially those damaged from exposure to the elements. Hyaluronic acid, a polysaccharide found naturally in cell tissue formations in the skin, can improve overall skin hydration and can also promote collagen and elastic growth and integrity when added to an anti aging face cream.

Other Important Ingredients

Besides these two essential elements of an effective anti aging face cream, the addition of glycolic acid may be helpful for many skin problems. Glycolic acid aids in the exfoliation of old skin cells, which will help to encourage the growth of new skin cells. Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) is another type of naturally-occurring antioxidant that has been found to be effective in neutralizing free radical damage to skin cells. CoQ10 is considered to be most effective when combined with an emulsifier that will allow this element to be absorbed more deeply into the layers of the skin. One other anti aging face cream ingredient that is found in some formulas is phytessence, a Japanese sea kelp that has elements that can block hyaluronidase, an enzyme that breaks down hyaluronic acid in skin cells.

Choosing the Right Anti Aging Face Cream

The type of skin cream, as well as the ingredients that are most effective, will depend on the specific skin aging problem being targeted. Wrinkles are the main reason that people choose an anti aging face cream, and products that contain ingredients such as hyaluronic acid or other collagen-boosting elements can help firm and tighten facial skin around the eyes, the mouth and the forehead. Additionally, some elements that are found in some skin creams may in fact have negative effects on skin, such as alcohol, mineral oil, parabens, and in some cases, ingredients that are added for fragrance.

Does Anti Aging Makeup Actually Work?

Posted by admin Tuesday, October 5, 2010 0 comments
It seems that anti aging makeup is at the heart of the new wave in cosmetic products. From anti aging and anti wrinkle face creams, the cosmetic companies began formulating anti aging foundation color, and then other products including lipstick and even eye shadow. But are these products worth the extra money that you are being asked to pay? Do they actually work, and if so, how?

The first thing to remember when you are considering anti aging cosmetics or other makeup products is that their claims do not have to be approved by the FDA. As long as they are sold for cosmetic and not medical purposes, they are not classed as drugs. This means that there are no particular limits on what they may claim other than the general laws on advertising. The FDA will not check that any claims made in their advertising are true.

Of course, if a product says that it contains a certain ingredient such as Retinol or vitamin E which can help reduce the signs of skin aging, then legally it must actually contain that ingredient. However, they do not have to say how much. It could be a tiny amount that would have very little effect.

Generally speaking, the ingredients that are used in moisturizing creams to reduce wrinkles and other signs of aging are items best applied in a greasy medium. They often work very well in moisturizers and you would probably notice the difference if you stopped using your moisturizer for a while. However, they do not necessarily go so well in makeup. Regular makeup can have a drying effect and perhaps anti aging cosmetics will avoid that, but you might not even notice the difference.

So although it is possible that anti aging makeup may work, we are skeptical. Anti aging foundation may be a better choice than a regular foundation ... maybe. But it should not replace a moisturizer in your skin care routine. If you cut out your regular daytime moisturizer thinking that your foundation will do the same job, you are likely to be disappointed with the results. Keep on hydrating your skin with a good moisturizer for best results.

If you want to use makeup to reduce the signs of aging, the best way is probably to spend your money on updating your complete selection of cosmetics rather than choosing anti aging products. Throw out any colors that you have been using since the last century and check out what is popular right now. It is also worth spending some time learning how to apply cosmetics effectively to give a younger look. Using blusher in certain ways on the cheekbones can be almost as effective as a face lift -and could be a lot more effective than anti aging makeup.

Can Aging Be Stopped Or Even Reversed?

Posted by admin Sunday, October 3, 2010 0 comments
The process of living is a biological function, and so it is regulated by laws of beginnings and endings that apply to all organic life forms. Every living creature, from the simple one-celled amoeba to the highly-complex physiological creation known as the human being, is forced by nature to adhere to the rules of the life and death cycle. Part of this process is the aging of the body in which the life form exists. While this process cannot be stopped, there are ways in which the functions of the human body can be supported by more aggressive methods that can slow down and, to an extent, reverse some of the aging.

Aging Factors and the Human Body

The challenge to the reverse age effort is that every human body is different, in that there are no set milestones by which each person will lose baby teeth, reach puberty, cease to have reproductive powers, or pass on. How these factors come into play in each life is dictated by the external influences surrounding the individual and by the choices they make themselves. Some of these choices deal with how a person takes care of their body, such as how much sleep they get, their diet, their exercise regimen, and physical and mental stresses they incur. Any of these can be controlled to a great extent by the person themselves, and so any human being that is not afflicted by a debilitating disease can engage in some form of a reverse age effort.

Fueling the Human Body

While every function of life is as important as the other, how a person recharges their biological makeup is one of the most important. The nutrients that humans take in affect every aspect of how their body functions, from the integrity of their skin to their muscle tone to the strength of their bones to the quality of their blood to the efficiency of their brain functioning. By attempting to ingest only the best and most appropriate solid and liquid nutrients, a person can have success in the reverse age process. Eating foods that deliver a maximum of essential vitamins, minerals, amino acids, fatty acids, polysaccharides, peptides, and other necessary elements will support the regeneration and maintenance of cells and tissues that are involved in the neurological, physiological, pulmonary, renal, and respiratory functions that constitute the living process.

How Aging Affects the Body

There are both external and internal aging processes that are either evident or hidden beneath the skin. Yet all functions of the body are affected by the aging process. Skin, hair, teeth, and other external physical features exhibit the effects of aging visibly, and these features usually receive the most attention in a reverse age effort. People include vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients in their diet that provide antioxidants and essential acids for healthy skin and hair, and calcium for strong teeth. What is most beneficial about this approach is the fact that these same nutrients will also support cell and tissue health for internal features of the body, such as neurotransmitters for healthy brain activity, efficient blood cell production, and organ functions.

The Mind and Aging

What seems to make human beings unique among all creatures is the role that the mind plays in controlling how the body is taken care of and, to an extent, how it functions. This may be the best tool of all in a reverse age effort. A mind that is determined to combat the effects of aging will by nature have a positive effect on how the body processes nutrients, how the body is protected from natural forces, and how well the body is taken care of throughout the life cycle.

Anti-Aging Reviews & Articles - Should You Believe Them?

Posted by admin Friday, October 1, 2010 0 comments
Anti aging reviews can be very helpful when you are looking for a new skin cream or other anti aging products. However, there are some points to keep in mind when you are checking out all of the reviews. In this article we will consider how far you can trust anti aging reviews. Are the reviewers just out for what they can get?

The first point to remember is that when you see a review in a magazine or newspaper, it may be part of an advertising feature. In that case it will not be independent but will be supplied by the manufacturer of the skin cream or other anti aging product. Of course in that situation they are going to praise the product and you are not likely to see much criticism.

Even if the review is not part of an advertisement, it may be written with advertising in mind. For example a journalist would find it hard to have a very negative review published in a magazine that carried a lot of advertising from the manufacturer of the product being criticized. The manufacturer might take his business elsewhere and the consequences to the magazine could be very serious.

Sometimes this applies to anti aging reviews online as well. Commissions might be paid on sales of a product that is linked to from a review. However, there are certainly more independent reviews of products on the internet than you could expect to find in printed media like magazines.

This is because it is so much easier for the average person to go online and tell their experiences to the world. Many sites have a whole feedback system where consumers can review products. Amazon is a good example of this. In other cases people will discuss products in the comments section of a blog, or on their own blogs, or in online forums.

In this situation you are much more likely to find honest anti aging reviews from ordinary people who have used the product. They are usually free to say what they liked and did not like about it.

This is a big advantage of the internet over magazine and newspaper reviews and advertising. However, it is still important to keep your own situation in mind while you are reading. One review is only one person's experience. They may have special reasons for strongly liking or disliking the product.

So when you are reading anti aging reviews online, it is a good idea to look for opinions from several different people before you make your choice or place your order. You may find that people's views cover a wide range of experience.

You should also try to find consumer feedback from people who are in a similar situation to yourself. Clearly, when you are looking for a skin cream, you want to know how it will suit your skin type. That means checking for personal information about the reviewer. It is not so helpful to read anti aging reviews from people with completely different skin.