The Anti Aging Guide For Healthier Looking Skin

Posted by admin Saturday, October 9, 2010 0 comments
When it comes to the top complaints women have about their bodies, wrinkles and deep set lines are always at the top of the list. Many women will go to any lengths to avoid having wrinkles, or for anyone to see them. This anti aging manual will help you to have healthier skin, and avoid having those deep set wrinkles and lines.


It is important to keep the skin hydrated in order to avoid having deep set lines or wrinkles. The suggestion of many physicians is to drink a minimum of 8 glasses of water a day. The anti aging manual suggests that if you smoke, you increase the glasses of water a day by 3 for every pack of cigarettes you smoke. If you smoke 2 packs a day, drink an additional 6 glasses of water a day. Smoking dehydrates the skin as well as the organs, and can cause wrinkles prematurely. Increasing your hydration will not only help get rid of wrinkles you already have, but will stop new ones from emerging.


Exercising the muscles of the face will help to rid deep set wrinkles in some areas as well as sagging of other areas. If the skin beneath the chin is sagging, there are exercises in this anti aging manual to reduce the size. Simply press the tongue to the roof of the mouth forcefully, and hold for 10 seconds then release. Do this 10 times for each set, and try to do 10 sets a day. This will at first cause cramping if you are holding for too long. Following the instructions in this anti aging manual will help you to lose the loose skin beneath the chin in a month, if you simply complete the exercise as directed. The additional skin beneath the chin causes frown lines on the sides of the mouth as well as long lines that run from the sides of the nose to the mouth, called nasolabial folds. These nasolabial folds can also be reduced by smiling wide, and holding the smile as wide as possible for 10 seconds at a time. Repeat this 10 times a day, to reduce deep set nasolabial lines. This can be done while you are watching television, talking on the phone or even playing games on your computer. There are always periods of down time where these exercises can be completed.

Facial Expressions

The anti aging manual for women of all ages, suggests that you avoid frowning too often. Many people when relaxing allow their facial muscles to sag and frown. This causes the 3 muscles of the forehead to sag, the muscles between the eyebrows included. This causes wrinkles to set up along the forehead as well as between the eyes. The vertical lines between the eyebrows can be reversed by not frowning. When you notice that your muscles have went lax, simply smile and hold for 10 seconds. This causes the muscles to then be tightened, along with the skin.


A well rounded diet including fresh fruits and vegetables will help to give the skin the collagen and elastin that it requires to keep elasticity. Green leafy vegetables and colorful vegetables like red bell peppers or carrots will also give nutrients required by the anti aging manual for more youthful skin. Eating a colorful diet will not only cause a healthier inside, but a more beautiful outside.


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